The emblem of the Postal Union Americas Spain Portugal ( UPAEP) was decided by the V ° congress of the Union, reunited in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 1946, which charged the International Office " to make up the international postal badge of the UPAE,consisting of a distinguishing feature for the usage of the officials of the administrations members to the union ". For the fulfillment of this mandate, the International Office charged the Uruguayan artist Mr.Humberto Frangella of its creation, which accepted the offer and composed the allegorical figure which then was adopted as emblem of the UPAE. This emblem was approved by the VII ° congress UPAE,celebrated in 1955 in Bogota (Colombia). It is important to notice Mr Frangella's altruistic gesture which refused any payment for its work, reason for which, the VIII ° congress, reunited in Buenos Aires in 1960, showed him a tribute of gratitude, consisting of a parchment which was signed by all the representatives of the member countries who attended this congress.
 The allegorical set appears in a circle of golden colour, inside which is a blue disc which serves as bottom. The forms of the American continent and  Spain, in white, represent the enclosure of the union. The golden,oblique feather from  left to right and from bottom to top, which  cover the geographic zone of the organism, symbolizes the written thought of which exchange constitutes its reason for being.The envelope,arranged longitudinalement with lines of red colour, is the vehicle used for the transmission of the letter. The red circles registered in the four angles of the envelope represent wax seals, symbol of the immunity of the correspondence. In each of four red circles,or wax seals, shines one of the iniciales of the UPAE, organism that the postal administrations of member countries agreeed to create to give a concrete shape to the big purposes to contribute to the development of the peoples and to the increase of International relations by means of the free traffic of postal dispatches.

Stamps with the emblem and its colors : Panama1963 ; Nicaragua 1985 ( 1 - 2 ) ; Uruguay 1986