Hommage to General Director of Posts and Telegraphs (1901-1917)

Mister Francisco García y Santos

on cover: look!

Date of issue: May 2nd., 2000
Value: $ 9.-
Print-run: 25.000
Design: Gerardo Correa Martín

       He was born on May 2nd., 1856 in Montevideo. He died on Octobrer 28th., 1921.
Eighteen-year-old García y Santos dropped studying Law, and started working as a journalist for ‘El Bien Público’, a publication issued by the Unión Católica del Uruguay, and whose Director was Juan Zorrilla de San Martín (a great Uruguayan writer, said ‘the Poet of the Uruguayan Nation’).
Over the years, García y Santos became himself this publication’s editor and director, and worked there for twenty years. He was a ‘Cavalier de l’Ordre Pontifical de Saint Grégoire’ and a member of the Secretariat of the Uruguayan Committee of that Order in Montevideo.
On June 21st., 1894 he was nominated member of the Executive Committee of the Círculo de la Prensa (Circle of the Uruguayan Press).
On July 24th., 1895 he was appointed by a Governmental decree as a member of the Comisión Nacional de Caridad y Beneficencia Pública (National Commission for Charity and Welfare), and he served there for twelve years. In 1896 and in 1898 he was elected National Deputy for the Department of Treinta y Tres.
On February 10th., 1898, he became a member of the Honorable Asamblea de Notables (Honorable Assembly of Notables) by a resolution of the Provisional President of the Nation, Eduardo McEachen. On August 14th., 1898 he was elected Delegate to the Convention of the Partido Colorado (one of the traditional political parties in Uruguay) representing the Department of Montevideo.
On December 7th., 1898 the Junta Electoral (Electoral Council) of Montevideo appointed him as a member (Deputy Senator) of the Electoral College. On August 2nd., 1899 he joined the Delegate Commissions of the Casa de Aislamiento (Sanatorium) and of the Manicomio Nacional (Mental hospital) as per a decision of the National Director of Charity and Public Welfare Service, Dr. Luis Pineyro del Campo. It was also Dr. Piñeyro del Campo who assigned him to work with the Escuela Nacional de Artes y Oficios (National School of Arts and Crafts) on December 26th., 1899.
On March 8th., 1901 he was invited to join and collaborate with the Latinamerican Scientifc Congress of Montevideo, in representation – together with Doctors Luis Piñeyro del Campo, Joaquín de Salterain and Manuel Quintela - of the National Committee for Charity and Welfare. On June 21st., 1901 he is nominated by Provisional President Eduardo McEachen as General Director of Posts and Telegraphs to succeed M. Honoré Roustan. He held office for sixteen years, and was Uruguay’s representative in the International Postal Congress held in Bern, on which occasion the Monument to the Universal Postal Union was inaugurated in that city.
On August 12th., 1905 the Delegate Commission for the Asilos maternales (Orphanages) Nr. 1, 2 and 3 was integrated by Francisco García y Santos and Doctors Eduardo Brito del Pino and Eugenio Lagarmilla.
On December 9th., 1910 the President of Uruguay , Dr. Claudio Williman, appointed him as Delegate to the Continental Postal Congress – a Congress promoted by the General Direction of Posts and Telegraphs of Uruguay. As Uruguay’s Delegate he organized and chaired the First Southamerican Postal Congress held on January 8th., 1911 in Montevideo, which gathered eleven countries, and during which Montevideo was designated as the International Postal Office’s seat. Uruguay issued a stamp commemorating that Congress on January 6th., 1911.
On January 4th., 1917 a new mission was assigned to García y Santos by the Uruguayan President as General Director for Taxes reporting to the Ministry of Finance. On August 9th., 1921, he was made Uruguay’s Plenipotentiary Delegate to the Panamerican Postal Congress to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. On December 30th., 1926, during the 2nd.
Panamerican Postal Congress held in Mexico, a posthoumus homage was paid to him as the promoter of the Panamerican Postal Union, with the issuance by the Mexican Post Office of a stamp series bearing his portrait.
(scott n° 662/3/4;671/2/3;679/80/81) .
In October, 1931 - in coincidence with the 3rd. Panamerican Postal Congress held in Madrid – Spain’s Post Office issued two commemorative stamps in his honour also showing his portrait.Panamá issued two stamps (scott 283 and 293) with his portrait in one set for the IV congress of UPAE in 1936. Look!
On July 15th., 1947 an oil portrait of García y Santos by Uruguayan painter César Pesce Castro was unveiled at the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, in acknowledgement of …”his being the promoter of the First Southamerican Postal Congress “, and in order that “future generations gratefully remember that CITIZEN OF THE AMERICAS who, as a broad-minded and generous visionary contrituted to the improvement of the communications systems through the enhancing of continental solidarity and human fulfillment”…( Resolution of the 5th Congress of the UPAE held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in Semptember 1946)

(Font: Engineer in Agronomy L. García y Santos Larrobla )

Back: to congress 1911 ; congress 1926